Sunday, May 2, 2010

Being More Positive

I started this Blog at first for the wrong reasons. I've given it a lot of thought and decided, he isn't worth my time even if the fight is. I don't like to back down from what I believe is right! Bringing my family into a public blog on another site made me angry and spiteful! Brought me to his level. Reading his posts and the posts of what others said made me realize that just because you say your "Godly" doesn't mean you are. Just because you post your scripture all over the web in blogs, and other church websites doesn't mean you are without fault. God sees through any and all deceit, and he will deal with it in his own way. I'm not the judge or the jury even though sometimes I act like it.

With that, i'm asking God to help my family resolve the issues they are having within their church. I know that with his grace it will be ok.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone and you will see the truth as i will of things no matter what sense it makes or doesn't make, the truth of things were not meant for an understanding, rather a test in constant flow of where our true loyalties lye i hope you can find some peace in that at the very least and im sorry if anything i said offends or something
